Thursday, September 11, 2014

Looks Like We Got Company: Rahm Launches His Own "Truth Team"

Now we know we've struck a chord with the political class.

Why?  Because Da Mare and his team are up with their own 'Truth Team' on Twitter ahead of his election next year.

As they say:  imitation is the most sincere form of flattery.

We're happy to share our tips with the folks running Rahm's re-election campaign.  Just drop us a line at  We can gossip about how to best irritate Karen Lewis by watching her every move, meme-ifying her silly mistakes, and driving a narrative about how the candidate you're facing is incompetent, vain, and unprepared.
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The Illinois Truth Team is an Illinois Politics Blog. We cover breaking news and issues related to changing the culture of the politics of Illinois and the politicians involved in the races. We support good candidates and are trying to help voters get the information needed to make educated votes.
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